About Us

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The Vision

  • To work for creating a sustainable India which provides basic health, education, and empowerment to every citizen.

    The Mission

  • To facilitate and cater to every youth, woman, and child of the nation with basic education, health, and better livelihood options.


  • To empower the weaker section of the society, especially women and youth through income generation activities.
  • To improve the health of women and children by providing health education and services.
  • To facilitate youth through skill training programs for better employment opportunities.
  • To develop and strengthen community-based organizations for overall community development.
  • To establish universities/colleges/institutions for access to quality education for all.


  • A group of young social entrepreneurs after two years of interaction with urban and rural youth communities in Jodhpur Rajasthan felt the need for a formalized institution to provide them support, which led to the birth of Yuva Pahal, which was formally registered in the year 2005. Yuva Pahal was initiated with a social objective to help the youth of the country, successfully complete their education, and find meaningful jobs.Over the years Yuva Pahal expanded its target groups from youth to women and children supporting for education, livelihoods, vocational training, and health aiming at their socio-economic development and helping them reach their true potential.The organization is currently operational in 9 districts of Rajasthan carrying out various educational and vocational training programs supporting drop out children and vulnerable youth and women for their overall development.