History and Timeline of Milestones

 Yuva Pahal was formally registered in the year 2005 under the Rajasthan Society Registration Act 1958 after two years of interaction and engagement with rural and urban slum communities in Jodhpur of Rajasthan State, with the mission to make available the basic facilities of education and socio-economic development to the dropouts children and youth by involving and enabling communities to realize their potential”

YUVA PAHAL’s main motto is providing quality training with the option of higher education and entry-level jobs at different industries to the dropout and deprived youth of India.

Having served in the social field at the grass-root level for more than a decade, in education and livelihood sectors, Yuva Pahal felt the need for having more experienced like-minded correct personnel on board.

The YP team now comprises of educationists, development professionals, media personnel, corporates, workers, activists, PhDs, MBAs, CAs, civil servants, bankers, corporate professionals, consultants who all bring their experiences and perspectives to the organization and are unified by the common vision of improving the future of our children and youth.